My Book, Maybe Boomer

Diner2 skinny web cover 1200 res 48 bit color thumb003 close-up for blogI am a person interested in all things 50s, 60s, and 70s. Born smack dab in the middle of the baby boom era, I am the classic, quintessential product of my generation.

Yet, my memoir, Maybe Boomer, is a coming of age tale about not fitting in. It’s been a humbling experience. And writing the book over a five-year span has made me not only more humbled, but wiser.

Maybe Boomer is a collection of linked stories about my ongoing struggle to fit in. Between my repressed childhood and adolescent experiences, followed by mysterious adult illnesses, I’ve felt different and left out from my highly goal-driven, ambitious and successful baby boomer cohort.

Maybe Boomer is a collection of fifteen short story-like chapters by subject – “Competition,” “Religion,” “Girls,” so forth and so on. As much as each subject is examined through my experience, all subjects – often stages of development – are universal and, at the very least, American.

While others benefited from the explosive social and technological expansion of the baby boom generation, I was exasperated by these advancements. Any baby boomer who has lost his path and purpose, and any person who has had to find a way to deal with disease, can relate. This is my story, my continuing struggle, and journey of celebration, too. My natural inclination to find the humor in life’s darkest and most frustrating moments has helped me cope, and brought about this book.

Please click the MAYBE BOOMER tab on the home page and scroll down to get an introduction to each chapter of my memoir. As surely as this is my unique story, we all went through similar experiences and stages at one time or another living the baby boomer life.

3 responses to “My Book, Maybe Boomer

  1. Hi,

    Are you the Michael Andberg I met at the Celler Door in Georgetown at a Willie Nile concert? I believe it was sometime in the early 80’s
    and I bought a couple of your drawings of Bruce Spingsteen.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    David Zelman

  2. Whoa, I was just getting around to looking you up, Mike, and I came across this message I left 8 years ago, the last time I reached out to you. I’ve been spending a lot of time this winter in my basement, playing pool and listening to my old record albums. Your drawings of The Boss are here, among other cherished works of art and memorabilia. Whatever happened to the Willie Nile poster you did of him? He’s still touring and playing rock and roll, but he’s given up the jump you so aptly captured in your drawing.

    When do you expect to publish your book, Maybe Boomer? I look forward to listening to the audio version. I’ve always been a slow reader and now, with early onset macular degeneration, I read s-l-o-w-e-r.


  3. David, great to hear from you! Lots to catch up on. I think I’ve lost track of which art pieces of mine you have. I feel honored you still have them and how they have meant so much to you. It’s been so many years since we met! And it’s been 8 years since I did anything more with my website, so I’m surprised you’ve reached me through it, but am glad. I continue to write, now a better version of the memoir I started ten years ago. It’s so much stronger IMHO. Had to drop art once I moved here to Santa Fe NM 20 years ago but continue to write. Yes, I still have that Willie Nile painting in storage. Was it you who contacted me about it once and wondering possibly about getting it over to Willie himself if he wanted it? Lost touch with all those east coast bands living in the SW desert here and regret that. Would love to see any of them play again sometime. I’m semi-retired these days – you? I forgot your profession (was it dentistry?). .. Seriously, it’s wonderful you reached out and kept in touch. Please get back to continue the chat, even though the website is basically down (but the WordPress blog is still open). And I’m always open to sharing more of my creations with others and would be happy to send some of the new version of the book to you (maybe send a audio version on cassette – remember those things?!)
    My best,
    Mike Andberg

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